How To Boost Your Relationship With Your Child And Encourage Positive Behavior

mother and daughter bonding with positive encouragement

I’m a cheer and football mom. (Go Pop Warner!) One of my fellow cheer moms told me I deserved a badge for all I do: run a business, run a home, homeschool two kids, and have a life. She told me how during the lockdown she could not handle homeschooling her daughter. She said it was one negative conversation after another. She began drinking daily due to the negativity in her home.

Have you ever considered how often you react negatively to your children daily or weekly? 

You may not even realize you are criticizing more often than complimenting.

I started that way. To be honest, I have to LOOK for what my kids do right, not wrong, every single day. When I did, our relationship began to transform and it created a more harmonious home environment.

A more effective approach is to catch your children doing something correctly and offer acknowledgment and very specific praise. Instead of focusing on scolding and disciplining, positively address and encourage their good behavior.

Imagine the impact of saying, “You cleared your dishes from the table; that’s terrific!” or “You were very patient and kind to your sister today.” These statements not only uplift their spirits and yours, but also reinforce positive behavior.

Let’s make a point each day to find something to praise.

Be generous with rewards, love, hugs, positive reinforcement, and compliments. This approach can work wonders and is often enough. Your choice to be more intentional in elevating the behavior you want to see will welcome more peace into your home.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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