You Can Trust Me!

child celebrating success in language, speech, and oral motor challenges

Parents often come to me defeated and scared to trust another person to help their family.

Worrying about your child’s future does not bring your best “parenting” person forward.

Teaching you how to help and support your child in the way that they need is a gift. I love that I get to breathe life into families!

A Case Study

A parent and I spoke a while ago about their child who was only using yes and no responses to communicate. Even then, the yes’s and no’s were unreliable. The kiddo said “no” when he actually wanted the banana or the story read to him.

After tweaking just one thing within their daily routine, I am proud to say that after three months of coaching, the child is now using three to four-word sentences confidently!

Even though they didn’t know if it would work, they took a leap of faith and followed my coaching by being completely engaged and doing the work. The results are amazing.

Listening to their child’s growth and development has been nothing short of inspiring. It pushes me forward to continue! It is incredibly rewarding to know that my work has made a positive impact on their life.

You Can Help Your Child Succeed, Too!

Today, I just want to encourage you as parents to keep doing the hard work. The tidying up, the grocery shopping, the never-ending laundry, and yes for some of us, the building of skills in our neurodivergent learners. It is hard work and I see you!

You can do this. You are doing it. Your sweat and sacrifices are doing great things for your kids. KEEP IT UP!!

If you are willing to take the leap the leap and get more support for your child, you can start by joining my newsletter, where you will find weekly tips, advice, and information about our free monthly workshops and occasional summits.

Photo by Thiago Cerqueira on Unsplash

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