Building Habits Makes All the Difference

small pebbles stacked on top of one another to build a tower

Do you think it takes a lot of effort to change a habit or pattern in your life?

Sometimes it can feel that way. Many people are intimidated to try and change habits because they think that it will be too hard or too much work.

What many people don’t realize is that habits are actually easy to change if done correctly. All you have to do is add one more step to an already existing habit, and then you begin to build new habits.

Good habits will help change your child’s speech patterns

Study after study shows that the more often you do a task such as exercising, speech therapy, mindset training, or fasting, the quicker it becomes a subconscious act.

This is why I train parents to do this very thing for their children — like adding a 20 second task to your bathroom routine or doing an activity while the blinker is on in your car at a stoplight.

So, how are you going to change your child’s speech? By allowing me to show you how to tackle a big job (i.e., your child’s speech challenges) by breaking down tasks that can easily be added to your already busy day. You’re welcome! LOL

School speech therapists are wonderful, but their time is limited

When your child sees their therapist at school, it’s most likely a 30 minute group session with other kiddos — getting them to sit down, listen to the instructions, play a game, AND get speech therapy. What, they got FIVE minutes of direct therapy?

Not only that, the school speech therapists are unable to teach you exactly how to get breakthroughs and see progress every day.

Let me be clear: I love our school speech therapists! However, after all of the unique challenges that have presented themselves over the last few years, they are swamped. So if this is the only support your child is receiving, it’s going to be a slow go.

Instead, let your kids continue to work with that therapist. AND — you come to me to learn what you need to do daily to see those massive changes. I’ll help you learn how.

Get the best for your kids. They deserve it!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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