The Secret To Helping Your Child Succeed

mom comforting overwhelmed child

I’ve helped hundreds, if not thousands, of families through challenges — and learned a lot in the process.

I also learned what NOT to do. And I wanted to share with you the #1 mistake parents make when working with their kids, which is this:

Trying to cram in too many goals to get on “grade or developmental level,” intent on making progress as fast as possible because it CAN be done.

Your child does not function like a car!

Your child is NOT a car that you can push to jump-start. The harder you push a car, the easier it is to get the engine going. For your child, that adds up to arguments, disappointments, and worst of all, disconnection within the family. NOT worth it.

It’s about staying in comfort. It’s about making sure the learning sticks.

It’s understanding. It’s consistent. It’s short and quick learning moments. Highly organized. Think Tiffany’s versus the Dollar Store. Less is more.

So how do we help our children with their struggles?

It’s mistakes like this (that most of us have made!) that inspired me to share what DOES work when setting goals for your kid. Or yourself for that matter!

Set one goal a month. Only ONE. Be laser-focused on that one thing and watch the needle move.

If you need some ideas on what goals to set for your child for next month, or how to set them, sign up for our newsletter. You will receive tips, tricks, and advice in the areas of speech, oral motor, and language development for your child. Sign up here!

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

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