How to Increase Social Understanding

singing songs, telling stories, and playing games increase social understanding

When I speak with parents, I usually get very similar questions.

Here’s one that you ask all the time…

What can I do to increase social understanding?

Let’s talk about the answer to this.

Build language skills EARLY!!

I know kids don’t like reading. kids, and most of the kids I work with, don’t like reading.

So… let’s try something else!

You want something simple, yet has a BIG effect!

Sing songs, tell stories, and play games that involve talking and listening.

Sing and play songs

Play your child’s favorite songs and your favorite songs. I love hearing my kids singing Duran Duran and The Pretenders. Dance, smile, and be in joy. Singing is not only great for language, but it is wonderful for family connection!

Tell stories

I still love telling my nephew the story of his birth. (And he’s 21.) I tell it to him every year on his birthday. It makes me cry, but what a joy it was being in the room when he began his life with us! This helps practice active listening as kids love to hear about themselves!

Play games

Games help with turn-taking, perspective-taking, and so much more. The game Headbands is fantastic! Kids learn to listen, stay in the moment, ask questions, and build upon the knowledge they have already learned.

I hope these tips are helpful to you and your child. Remember, language development is a journey, and every step is worth celebrating!

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

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