Little Wins = Big Growth

text conversation between kolby and client's mom

True or false — Life is about the little things.

I got this message…and it brought tears to my eyes. THIS is why I and we do what we do. Because the little things are the big things.

At Family First Speech Therapy, we try our best to give our clients access to us at all times, because we feel it’s the little things that matter most.

And although my clients love my speech and oral motor tips and exercises, often it is the little things that cause them to make progress (and realize the amazing progress they’ve made!) that they’ve never experienced before.

Food for thought: What’s a little thing that would be a big thing for you?

And if you’ve got a kiddo struggling with speech and communication, what are the little things you’re looking for in a speech language pathologist?

As always, I’m here to help. If you would like to have speech, language, or oral motor tips delivered directly to your inbox every week, sign up here!

Photo by Kolby Kail

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