How to have a successful family road trip

road trips with kids

Taking a road trip with your children can be a great opportunity to spend quality time together. However, you may wind up wishing you’d stayed home…unless you prepare in advance for the challenges of sharing a small space for many miles.

While driving to a different city (or cross-country!) can be a lot different than your usual local errands, you’re less familiar with the route, and your kids may become bored along the way. So a little preparation can go a long way in making it a fun trip to remember (rather than one you’re still cringing about!).

Here are some ideas to help you plan, so your vacation can be safe and fun.

Provide entertainment for the road trip

  1. Play games. Choose from a wide variety of classic and computer road games. Introduce your kids to I Spy and 20 Questions. Write your own Mad Libs or buy a magnetic Scrabble board.
  2. Make crafts. Browse online for digital art activities or paper crafts that are easy to do while riding in a car. Buy grown up coloring books, too, so you can share in the fun with your kids.
  3. Listen to music. If you need a break from Baby Shark, apps like Spotify will generate a wide selection of music for kids. Wear headphones or pick tunes that you can sing together.
  4. Bring audiobooks. While you want to spend time interacting, you may also need a little quiet. Audiobooks or movies can keep kids occupied until you’re refreshed.

Other Road Trip Tips

  1. Research rest stops. Give yourself enough time so you can get out of the car frequently to move around and take in the scenery. Visit amusement parks and historic sites, and take hikes and picnic in state parks along the way.
  2. Cool off. For travels during the warmer months, on a hot day, cold water feels refreshing—even if your car is air-conditioned. Make a list of beaches, lakes, and water parks that will be within driving distance.
  3. Indoor pool hotels. During the cold months, look for hotels with indoor pools. Swimming uses almost every muscle of the body. So after sitting for long periods of time, a dip will get the wiggles out AND set your kids up for a great night’s rest!
  4. Tidy up. You’ll probably feel more stressed and irritable if your car starts looking like a garbage bin. Keep clutter and spills under control with simple rules and organizing products. Hang a pouch over the back of car seats to hold toys and books.
  5. Share conversation. Having time for extended discussions is one of the greatest joys of family car trips. Think of some conversation starters before you leave, like funny stories about your own childhood or interesting news events.

So before your next road trip, take some time beforehand for a bit of planning. Then, watch how it will make your next family travels more relaxing and enjoyable, so you’ll return home with lots of happy memories that will last a lifetime.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

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