How to have a great break from school with your kids

Kids on break from school

We are just a few weeks away from summer break. How is that possible? With summer break coming up so quickly, I’ve been thinking about how I want our break to look.

Do breaks from school seem as difficult at your house as they do at mine? When the kids are home from school, sometimes it’s hard to know how to keep them from getting bored and finding themselves (and yourself) frustrated and in trouble. Screentime and arguments seem to be the go-to for my kids, and that is not how I want our breaks to look.

Let’s all stop and take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. We’ll get through this, and so will they, and we can make some great memories along the way!

Questions to help you combat the school break hardships

  • What are your kids’ interests?
  • Do your kids prefer to be indoors or outdoors?
  • What do your kids enjoy doing when left on their own?
  • What are some favorite family board games? Which ones might you want to try in the future?
  • How do you and your kids like to exercise? How can you continue doing that during break?
  • What’s something you could teach your kids how to make in the kitchen?
  • What are some science experiments your kids may be interested in?
  • What type of building materials would your kid like to use?
  • What craft activity sounds interesting to you?
  • What outdoor activities do your kids enjoy?
  • What new outdoor activity would you want to try this year?
  • What’s one way that you and your kids could serve in their community during this break?

Want to share your activities list?!? I’m always looking for new ways to keep my kids (and the kids I do therapy with) happy!

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

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