Are You Capturing the Beautiful Parenting Moments?

mom enjoying time with her child

With each year that goes by, I realize that my life is going so fast, and there are times when I forget that this is all I get. If I live happily to 90, I’ll be a happy camper. And with that said, half my life is over — my runway is shorter than it used to be.

I don’t say this to inflict sadness on our minds. Rather, it reminds me to hunt for the beauty and joy in my life. Because there is always beauty and joy to be found (and I know, sometimes it can take some effort to find it!).

Find the beauty in your world

On a recent evening, I relaxed in the front yard watching my son play basketball with the neighbors. Dads and brothers, kids and adults all played together, giving little slack to the little ones in the game. Their smiles were infectious. Meanwhile, the girls of the neighborhood twisted and twirled in the grass, making up dance routines. They would fall together in laughter. 

As I watched everyone, I stopped, and all I could do was whisper, “Thank you.”

At the time of writing this, my daughter is 10. In six years she is going to enjoy her friends more than me. Yes, my runway is getting shorter with my kids. So I must capture the beautiful moments in the ordinary.  

Thornton Wilder said, “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”

As parents, it’s a soul sucking job at times. We get no days off. Some days are ordinary and repetitive, others are difficult and overwhelming. I want to remind you to find joy, even in (and maybe even most importantly in!) the everyday, repetitive things.

Photo by Fernanda Greppe on Unsplash

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