Celebrating Your Children

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How do you greet your children when they wake up in the morning or come home from school? I get it, there are so many things vying for our attention that we can easily forget how great it feels when someone stops what they are doing to acknowledge your presence. 

Next time you see your child, try saying something like this “Hey buddy! I’m so excited to see you this morning/right now/today! I’ve been waiting for you! Today is going to be an amazing day!” Putting down your phone, pausing your favorite show or book shows your children that they are more important than the activities that you were doing. The positivity and excitement will also help set the tone for their day. They will be able to carry this positivity and excitement throughout their day and share it with their friends, teachers, and others they will encounter throughout the day.

So I challenge you to stop what you are doing, turn your focus to your children and greet them with joy and excitement. Share the importance of being about to wake up and enjoy the blessing of seeing another day. Tell me below how your children enjoyed this challenge! Can’t wait to hear all of your stories!

– Kolby Kail

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