It takes a village to raise a child blog post

It Takes a Village

Let’s be honest – raising children is no easy feat! And then that challenge can increase if our kiddo is dealing with a speech disorder, behavior challenges, ADHD, or is on the spectrum.

Frustration can seem to work its way into the most basic, everyday activities…and that frustration can be contagious. In all of this, something I’ve come to truly realize: It takes a village to raise a child. Which can lead to the question: How do I build my village?

I’ve been lucky to live in a neighborhood where the people around me strive to teach their children the same ideals that I find important in raising my own children, which is a first step to building your village: Find like-minded, kind people who make your heart sing!

When you can find people in your life who help you fill your heart with joy, you’ll be in a good position to pass that joy on to your children. In addition, finding and cultivating healthy relationships in your own life will give you people to lean on for support when times get tough – because they will sometimes. 

If you could use some start on finding your village, here are a few ideas:

  1. Check out our FREE monthly workshops where we cover topics relating to speech and articulation, oral motor, or language and social skills. Take a look at what’s coming up here.
  2. If your child is struggling with speech or language but you’re not sure where to start for support, let’s brainstorm together to give your child the confidence and freedom they deserve. Get started with a free screening.

We’re honored to be part of your village. ❤️

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