Why Early Intervention is Key

early intervention

“How do I know if my child needs help with their speech and language?”

This is a question I get from a lot of parents. And it’s an important one! When we’re noticing what could be red flags, which ones do we need to do something about and which ones are part of the typical development cycle?

When I get this question, I recommend first considering these three “red flag” buckets:

  • Is your child struggling to be understood by others (outside of parents and close family)?
  • Is your child having difficulty playing with their peers?
  • Is your child having trouble with reading and/or writing?

If the answer is yes to one (or more) of these questions, I recommend looking into it – and sooner rather than later. Here’s why early intervention is key: It’s MUCH easier to tweak a pattern that’s in development than it is to break one that has already been learned…and then have to relearn it correctly.

If you’re noticing things with your child’s speech and/or language that are giving you pause, let’s take a look together. You can schedule a free screen/brainstorming session here.

And if you have a friend or family member who is worried about their child? Please feel free to share the link.

If something with speech and language could use a bit of support, doing something sooner than later will make a big difference in a kiddo’s life. ❤️

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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