When is a Good Time to Ask for Help? (Video!)

Parenting can be challenging (no question about that!), especially over the past year when parents have been taking on more and more roles to support their child. When we’re helping to try and teach math or reading (or any other number of things!) and it starts to feel like pulling teeth to get them to participate (or even try just a little), when is a good time to ask for help?

Following our first conversation about power struggles, I recently spoke with Shawn Edwards of ToolHows and we got into talking about when is a good time to ask for help:

The short answer: When frustration kicks in (especially because frustration can be contagious!). When things start feeling challenging, especially with something like reading/writing/language/speech, and you’re not sure what to do next, getting a second pair of eyes on the situation can help immensely.

And if you’re currently at a point where things are starting to feel challenging (hello, frustration or worry!), let’s take a look together. You can schedule a free screen/brainstorming session here.  

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