BEHAVIOR TIP + VIDEO: How to set expectations so your kids follow through

How do we set expectations so that we increase the chances of our kids actually following through on what we’ve asked them to do? Because who wants to keep asking and asking and asking (and nagging and pleading and ending up REALLY FRUSTRATED!!!)? Me neither!

So, let’s talk setting expectations effectively. (Note: While we’re talking about setting expectations with our kids, this will work with adults, too!)

There are two key pieces:

  1. Being clear about the scope of work you are asking your child to do.
  2. Being clear about how you are measuring completion (such as putting a metric on the task or making a checklist that needs to be completed).
Here’s a quick video on the details of these two pieces:

The better we become at demonstrating and explaining our expectations, the easier they will be to implement.

Okay – your turn! Think of something you are going to be asking your child to do this week that is new/newer for them (or where their follow through has been spotty). Now, consider how you can clearly explain AND demonstrate the scope of work, as well as how you can measure completion.

Yes, I know this will take a bit of your time now. HOWEVER, when they are clear about what we’ve asked (and perhaps have a video showing how it’s done that can be re-watched!), you’ll end up saving your future self-time and headaches.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes (feel free to schedule a free consultation to talk). And if you know a fellow parent who is frustrated with their child’s follow-through on what they need to do, send them this post. It just might help save their day and week (and improve their relationship with their kiddo)! 🙂

If this was helpful, check out our upcoming workshops (3rd Thursday of every month):

2 thoughts on “BEHAVIOR TIP + VIDEO: How to set expectations so your kids follow through”

  1. These tips on helping kids get success are outstanding. Kids that feel loved and not criticize will grow up to be happy. As parents “happy” is our ultimate goal. Thanks for helping us Kolby. Your are inspiring.

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