BEHAVIOR TIP: Asked and Answered

Hello! Today I’ve got a behavior tip to share that just may save your sanity and day.

Ever have a kiddo ask the same question over and over (and over and over and over and over…)?

Can I have a phone?
Can I have a phone?
Can I have a phone?
Can I have a phone?
Can I have a phone?

And you’ve tried to be patient and answer…until you thought you were going to explode!!! (Or you’ve exploded — and we all have!)

Yup, welcome to parenting. The land of a million and one questions.

Now, this scenario is going to happen. We’re more than likely going to experience this behavior from our kids. So, let’s try something different to save exploding + (eventually!) help our children learn to get off the never-ending question train.

Try this exercise: Asked and answered.

Here’s how it works:

Child: “Mom/Dad, I want to go to the skate park today.”
Parent: ”At this time, I think we can go to the skate park but I’ve got to clean out my car, do some laundry, and get the kitchen picked up.”
5 MINUTES LATER – Child: “Mom/Dad, is it time to go?”
[Here’s where and how the magic starts to happen and explosions can be avoided.]
Parent: ”That question has been asked and answered. What needs to be done before I go anywhere?”
Child: “You have to clean out your car and some other things.” (Or something to this effect.)
Parent: “Right. Asked and answered.”
5 MINUTES LATER – Child: ”When are we going to the skate park?”
Parent (calmly): “Asked and answered.” (Continue saying it calmly over and over and over and over as needed, when question is asked.)

Yes, this will take a bit of practice (both for you and your child!). However, stick with it. The more consistent we are, the quicker our kids will learn that asking the same question over and over (and over!!) isn’t going to get them a different answer. And with a ready process and response for handling such repetitive questions, we’ll be better equipped to avoid exploding. 🙂

After you give it a try, let me know how it goes! And if you know a fellow parent who is tired of being asked the same question over and over and over, send them this post. It just might save their day (and sanity!).

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