Silly = Credibility (And Other Tips for Connecting with Your Kids)

mom being silly with child

Updated 12/4/23

Ever find yourself searching for special ways to connect with your little one (or not-so-little one)? Well, look no further because we’re about to explore the fantastic art of bonding! In this blog post, we’ll uncover heartwarming ways to strengthen that parent-child connection, creating moments that will be cherished forever. So, get ready to dive into the wonderful world of meaningful connections and discover the magic that happens when you truly connect with your kiddos!

How can I connect better with my child?

I feel you. Figuring out how to connect with our kids can be tough! Sometimes they may want to share…or not. Or we may try and try (and try again), yet they don’t seem to want to listen to anything we have to say. And trying to get an idea of what they’re thinking about? It can be like pulling teeth! (Especially at the end of the day when we’re all tired.)

I have some ideas to help you start connecting better with your kids

In the video, I share some of the best kid-tested tips I’ve learned including:

  • The specific (though easy!) question to ask your kid, starting today.
  • How asking the same question each day can help you start to find out what they’re thinking about.
  • Why being silly = credibility with kids.
  • How sharing your own day (and being a model) can help build trust and connection.

Now I’d love to hear from you! What tip are you going to try, or what other tip have you found that helps connect with your kid? Please leave a comment below and let me know.

And if you’re looking for support and community as we head into the new year and would like to join our monthly workshops, head here for more info.

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

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